Meditation is a simple process of conscious relaxation. It is a combination of processes and postures, which involves the human brain to achieve a state of pleasure and tranquillity.
Concentration is the backbone of all meditation techniques. Free your mind of all thoughts and try to get rid of all sorts of distractions to fall into a deep meditation state.
The process of mediation includes numerous postures and steps. The most commonly used of these postures for spry ladies are the following:
- Cross-Legged Posture
- Seated posture
- Walking
- Kneeling posture
- Corpse posture
- Hand gesture
Meditation plays a vital role in the lives of a lot of ageing people intending to cultivate pleasure and internal peace. These are the two most important parts of a person’s internal nature. It has been proven as a successful cure for years to reduce depression and anxiety. It is also the best solution to prevent you from panic attacks.
Besides, it is nothing but an enjoyment of the flow of positive energy in your body. So, you can do meditation by just feeling relaxed by lying on the floor. All you need is that your back should be in a comfortable mode. Conventional styles of meditation like prayers are the most excellent ways to bring your brain in an ideally relaxed state.
When you are planning for meditation then you need discipline and full mental concentration. If you are thinking that you will learn the process of meditation from this specific book and when you will perform this then you will get 100 per cent results. But it takes some time to get better results. It is a process of modifying your consciousness. There are a specific set of rules and procedures which are defined for performing meditation. The success of your meditation can depend on the way and the rules you will follow for meditation.

Meditation Benefits
Meditation is a truly valuable tool that helps people foster physical health, combat stress, become more peaceful, feel happier, can help them sleep better, and can help you improve your life and achieve balance in all areas of life.
However, in a deeper sense, it is an important doorway into the unknown. This can help you to get a sense of the whole mystery of your identities and who you really are. When some guidance or advice is needed, check the right book to calm your mind and move to happiness.
Walking meditation
It is considered one of the old and traditional procedures. You just need to move and walk and engage your mind to get positive results. Another benefit is that it is a physical activity that you perform daily and it helps you in improving your health.
Moreover, it is creating a balance between your inner world and your outer world at the same time. It gives you a true sense of awareness. You will not only discover yourself but you are also connected with your outside world.
Mindful Meditation
Meditation is a spiritual experience that empowers your soul and enables you to rise into different dimensions of higher consciousness. By focusing your attention within, you are actually able to experience those inner realms and fulfilling the real purpose of your existence. The process of accessing such inner spirit, wisdom and intelligence is known as meditation. You can empower your spirituality by setting aside time to meditate.
Zen Meditation

If you are seeking joy, vibrant health, positive relationships, fulfilment in your life and calmness, you can obtain these things through the power of meditation. This provides innumerable benefits for your spirit, mind and body.
When you set aside time to meditate, you are also helping yourself towards achieving the ultimate goal of meditation, which is enlightenment. It is the realization of your mind’s true nature. Through drawing deeper into your consciousness and directing your mind, you can discover reality, and by cultivating such practice, you can start developing a positive approach to your lives.
Through regular meditation, you are developing sustained concentration. Such an increase in concentration joined with reduced tension and stress, improved relationships and renewed energy can help you obtain success in your activities. Read more in the book Zen Mastery.
Spiritual Health

Practising spiritual wellness is the key to living a life of fulfilment, success, peace, love, prosperity, and joy.
There are many positive exercises that you can actually do to develop your positive mental attitude, and it first begins with what you think. Think positive and use words of affirmations towards yourself and towards life.
Affirmations are positive statements you say to yourself or you say aloud. You are affirming to yourself that whatever things you want will come to pass. When you experience pain, feel stress, tension or just any type of anxiety, affirmations can always make you feel great.
When you start creating a spiritual resolution, you can experience a happier life, you also begin to experience a life of peace and constant bliss. You can appreciate the beauty of life and you tend to always look at the brighter side of everything.

“The Purpose of Our Lives Is To Be Happy.”
Dalai Lama
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