Dog – Our Best Friend

Owning a dog or puppy gives pleasure to millions of people. You can learn a lot from being a pet owner and the lessons begin from the first day your furry family member steps into your life.

The 5 important life lessons we can learn from our dog:

1. Stay in touch with your loved ones

And I mean really in touch! Every pet owner knows what I mean. We humans don’t touch each other enough. Sure, we cuddle our babies and fondle our new lovers, but in every relationship, there comes a point when kisses are perfunctory farewells and hugs are doled out sparingly.

Dogs know that a simple touch from someone you love can make any situation better and sometimes make all the difference in the world. They appreciate the wonder and magic of a kiss (or lick) just because they love you and know that sometimes just sitting close enough to touch frequently keeps the cold, dark nights at bay.

2. Never overlook the chance for a nap

While most of us can’t work into our schedules the 20-hours of sleep time that dogs enjoy, we could all benefit from taking advantage of some downtime to relax and rejuvenate. There are few of us who are getting enough rest and many are subsisting on far less sleep than is really adequate. This is no way to live let alone thrive. Your dog knows how to relax, just roll on your back and let your tongue loll out. You’d be surprised how wonderful it feels!

Dogs know that sleep should be high on your priority list-surely higher than laundry and cleaning although not higher than any food-related activity. Give yourself some downtime and you’ll feel better for it.

3. Jealousy is a waste of time

It would have been understandable if our dog took an instant dislike to the newborn. Now suddenly, there is precious little time for grooming, walks, or cuddling. All our attention is focused on someone else. Jealous? Not, dogs are instantly bonded with the little screamer even though we didn’t let them get too close while we sussed the situation out.

They are better than any baby monitor available as they would come to find us at the first sign of stirring and distress. Then as the baby grew and became more mobile they are the epitome of patience with all her hair-gripping, lip-tugging, ear-pulling explorations. They are his guardian angel, playmate, and furry walker and they love every minute of it.

4. The best toys are found not bought

Expensive squeaky toy? Shredded in minutes. Knobby ball? Lost in the bushes. Rubber bone? Shoved under the couch. Frisbee found by the side of the road? Played with every day and stowed carefully on a bed when not in use. A person’s hand? Endless play opportunities.

Dogs and young children teach us an important lesson about gifts. Your time and attention are the greatest gifts of all and with a little imagination and energy, you don’t need any toys at all, let alone expensive, electronic gadgets.

5. You are never too old to play

Arthritis and muscular atrophy sometimes make it a challenge for older dogs to get around, but they still love to wrestle and will even romp for a little while. Although they can’t be as active and play fetch for hours as they once did, they still want to be in the center of the action and participate as much as they can.

We humans forget that the need for play and fellowship does not disappear when we leave childhood. There is no such thing as being too old to play. Perhaps we need to revise our choice of game and venue, but no matter what our age, there should be no limit to our ability to join in the fun!

dog the best friend
dog the best friend
dog the best friend

Your dog may be your best friend, but just like your human friends he or she can embarrass you in public, you can actually train your dog to behave, you might not be so lucky with your human friends. A well-trained dog usually means a happy owner and a contented animal.

Does any of the following sound familiar?
  • Your dog doesn’t listen to you
  • You need to train a new puppy
  • Your dog barks uncontrollably
  • Your dog is pulling on the leash
  • Your dog is aggressive
  • Your dog is chewing things he shouldn’t
  • Your dog is digging all the time
  • Your dog is jumping up
  • You’re frustrated with your dog
  • You’re worried you might have to give up your dog because of behavior problems you can’t handle
  • You feel helpless to control your dog
  • You tell your dog ‘no’ with no success
  • Your dog gets overexcited and is hard to settle down
  • Your dog is whining constantly
  • Your dog has a fear of certain sounds or stimuli or suffers from anxiety
  • You want a better bond with your dog
  • You want less stress

If you want to eliminate bad behavior and create the happy and well-behaved pet of your dreams◄◄CLICK HERE

dog the best friend

How Owning A Dog Can Improve Your Health

Have you ever had the pleasure of having a dog as a pet? Are you aware of the many health benefits that owning a dog can bring?

Owning a dog can help people who are often stressed out in their life. Going out in the garden or in the local park and throwing a ball to our dog to fetch, often brings a smile to our faces. We can see our dog wagging her tail in enjoyment as she retrieves the ball, she then drops the ball at our feet in the hope that we will throw it again. As she runs full speed after the ball again, we just stand there in amazement at the sheer power of her.

As well as bringing a smile to our face as previously mentioned, which of course is showing that we are happy, this game is helping us to take our mind off all of the things that we were worried about.

When back in the house the dog shows us a lot of love and likes to cuddle up with all members of our family. This makes our home so much cozier and warmer, this itself helps in reducing the amount of stress. The warmth and love always make us feel better and helps us to think in a more positive way.

Taking the dog on walks to the park is also a great form of exercise. I am sure that I do not have to explain the health benefits of exercise to the readers of this article, but you can see that this is another good reason for owning a dog. When walking the dog, the fresh air and the time away from the house helps us to clear our minds and be active.

dog the best friend

“A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.”

Josh Billings

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